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Monday 16 October 2023

Things are about to change

 So there isn't a lot of activity here anymore, and one big reason is that I haven't had a lot of passion for making new costumes. A big reason has been that I have not been happy with what has been going on with my body. I have always been a big and curvy girl, but over the last years I have noticed that my weight is just creeping upwards and I can't get it to stop. There seems to be correlation in that I can either control my weight, or have good control over my autoimmune disease (type 1 diabetes). I am now weighing more than I have ever done before, and no matter if there are medical reasons I don't feel that I fit into any costumes anymore.

After some time of investigating my weight issues, and it was so nice to hear that I do keep a healthy enough lifestyle and that it's not a simple issue of "eat less, excercise more" I have decided to do a gastric by-pass operation. I want to do it now before I gain even more weight. A gastric by-pass isn't just about not being able to eat, a lot of the effects come from the reprogramming of that metabolic systems that occurs with the operation. I also have no idea what will happen with my body, the great majority of course looses weight but it's very individual on how much you loose. For me the important thing is also to stop gaining weight, even if I of course hope that I will get back to a size I had a couple of years ago. It will also take quite some time before the weight stabilizes after the operation (first you usually drop weight, then you gain some again, and then it stabilizes).

That being said this weekend was the last chance for me to be out wearing costumes and nice clothes before the operation, that will take place on November 10th.

First my mother was invited to a ceremonial dinner at her old student nation, so it was time to bring out a ballgown when I came with her. This is actually a gown that I have bought, not made, since I have outgrown all my old gowns and I bought it last year when me and my husband went to a ball the weekend after our wedding. I was busy enough making my wedding gown, so it was out of the question to make a ballgown as well.

Then I missed the first day of the local convention AvestaCon, since I was driving me and my mother home from the dinner that day. But on Sunday I was trooping with Swedish Garrison and Nordic Base there, and since one of the great things with AvestaCon is that they have professional photographer Johan Falkenström there, and you get one free photo for every costume, I got some nice photos of first my jedi.

He doesn't take photos with the light on for the lightsabre, and I haven't had time to ask someone to fix it for me. 

My favorite photo was with my jawa, and a borrowed tusken rifle

AvestaCon is held in a wonderful old iron foundry that has been turned into an art museum, and I found a table with a lot of old rusty machinery and stuff, so more photos were taken with the jawa in its true element, and I hope I can share them soon.