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Thursday 2 January 2014

2013 in review

It's time for my traditional look back on my costuming achievements of the year. I must say that I am very happy with this year, I feel that I've taken a step forward when it comes to skills, and I finished all the costumes that I had set out to do. The costume list was posted on my old LJ, one of the last post there in early 2013.

Looking back at my project list for 2013 theser were my projects:

 Endor Rebel Trooper - I was actually ahead of Leia with this one, but decided to finish Leia instead. I need to buy boots, gloves and a longsleeved t-shirt, then it's doing the camo painting and I should be done. I want to take this one to Finland on the last of April. Status: Finished in March

 18th century stays and evening jacket - I'm going to go to the 18th century weekend in early June again, my 18th century stays have been worn out though so I need to make a new pair, and a better jacket. I also need to stabilize my pocket hoops, they collapsed all the time from the weight of the skirts. Status - stays were done in April, jacket was changed to two Robe Anglaises, and the pocket hoops were discarded in favour of a bumroll.

Robe 1
 Aunt Beru from ROTS - I really want to have both an AOTC costume and an ROTS costume for the 3D premieres. With the 18th century projects I don't have the time or money to make the picnic gown, so it will have to wait another year, but I have the tusken for AOTC. After looking around for ROTS costumes I decided that Aunt Beru should be both quite easy and comfortable. The jacket has a tricky fabric, but the construction is straight forward. I just need to remember to stay blonde for another year or so. Status - discarded. No 3D premiere = no ROTS costumes

 Also I have promised my nephew to make a costume for him for the 3d premieres. I have promised a jawa and/or young Luke so I will need to make those in the summer as well. Status - jawa finished in August

I'm also planning on updating all the hard parts and the pouch for my tusken female before the AOTC 3d premiere. Status - I have a new mask kit, but never assembled it. Pouch is done except for the bones in the front

My main project of the year was the 1780's Snow White, and she wasn't even on my list when 2013 started. The Snow White also included some other things like shoes and a wig that were done in 2013

Other small things that were made was my conversion of an 1880's travel bustle into a 1780's bumroll, a couple of simple petticoats, a new thinner 18th century chemise and I finally finished the hanging pocket I had started in 2012.

My main remaining UFO from the year is the female tusken mask, she will have to go into the 2014 plans as well, but they will come in another post.

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