Sunday 11 August 2024

The HSM portrait

 I'm going to share my favorite photo from Visby, and also explain why I love the HSM, or Historical Sew Monthly, challenges.

I joined the HSF, or Historical Sew Forthnightly, as it was called then back in 2014. My first entry on this blog is from the 13th of January 2014. The challenge was "make do and mend" and I fixed the fraying edges of my 18th century Snow White. Back then there were 24 challenges to a year, but it was later changed into a more easily managed Monthly challenge with 12 challenges to year. Some time later it was also changed so that you didn't have to finish the challenges in the corresponding month but could do them any time of the year.

The HSM is great because it keeps med going all year with sewing projects, instead of just trying to finish something for an event. They have challenged me to both do more accurate things, and to do things that I wouldn't have done otherwise. I would definitely not have made as many accessories if it hadn't been for the HSM, especially in the end of the year when I try to challenge myself to finish more challenges I usually go for using scraps and left over fabrics to make something.

The HSM is a Facebook group, and it's also a great community to post about progress and comment on each other's projects. 

On this photo we are wearing the following challenges

HSM24: September - new stitch in town - the docken baret
HSM 24: June - up your sleeves - the doublet
HSM 24: August - stripes and dotes - the hose
HSM 24: November - worn by all - the socks

HSM 24: May - new clothes from old - the pink gown
HSM 24: April - all natural - the linen socks
HSM 19: September - everyday wear - the mustard kirtle
HSM 15: February - tucks and pleats - the pleated shift and HSM 23: January - back to the beginnings - repairs and mending of the shift
HSM 18: October - fabric manipulation - the smocked apron

So basically everything except what I am wearing on my head has been an HSM challenge, pretty fun to go through it and see how productive the challenges have been for me.

This is also why I still prefer to keep this blog going and not just post things on Instagram and Facebook, it's so much easier to go back in time and look for old posts and what I have done even if it's many years old by now.

1 comment:

  1. You're both looking fantastic in that photo and your outfits are beautiful!
    It's so good to know Medieval Week is still going strong. I took part in the Medieval Week a few years back in the mid 90s but haven't been there since.
