So it was time for me to start with the soft parts of the female tusken, the main thing I have left to do.
After having stared at this image in high resolution for far too long I realised that there is omething strange going on with the fabric. The weave of the fabric continues without a break over the frayed edges and into the next segment. Either they have done some crazy pattern matching when cutting out, or the fabric simply isn't cut. The more I thought about the only solution would be if the fabric was pleated into tucks, and then those tucks would be cut open and the fabric frayed to create the edge. Tha would also explain why there is a female tusken whitout a frayed edge on the seams, it looks like it is inside out, and it might be possible that the tuck is so small that it didn't create a nice fray so then they just turned it the other side out. That is purely my speculation.Monday, 24 February 2025
Female tusken failure
Sunday, 9 February 2025
A UFO dress
So with new inspiration I want to start on my sewing projects, but I also decided that I first needed to do a proper clean up of my sewing space. I live in a two room apartment, so my sewing space is a corner in my living room, not very big and it had gotten cluttered. So I sat down and made sure to sort everything back into its boxes, you know haberdashery, sewing thread, small craft things. While doing that I also found a bag with fabric in it.
It turned out it was cut out pieces for a dress, and the description for the pattern was in the bag as well. It was the base pattern that I have used for the I heart SW dress, the little Greedo dress and the big Greedo dress. The last time I used this pattern was apparently in 2018 so I had no idea about the size of the pattern or what I had thought with it.
I sewed up the bodice and it fit. It's a very short bodice though, so I wanted to see if i could lengthen it, something I have done with the other dresses well. I didn't quite understand why I had cut out a variation fo the bodice with collar and decorative pleat down the side, which gives the dress a very vintage 1960s feel, and then I had cut it out in this very soft and patterned jersey, I had also cut out two sleeve ruffles for it.Wednesday, 5 February 2025
Inspiration is back and is called Project Toad
After a January that had me doing nothing and feeling no inspiration at all, I feel that it's time to start doing something again.
In fact I'm now so inspired to start with new projects that I have put up a deadline that I need to finish my female tusken soft parts in February, see I even publicly write a date, so that I can start with the other stuff that I want to make.
I'm into two things - project Toad and linen napkins. The linen napkins are for my 16th century camp gear. Earlier this year I got a lot of old linen curtains that were going to be trashed. The linen is a bit too rough and not tight enough to use for clothes, but it will be great for household items. I feel like making napkins and towels will be a great thing to have going, and I can keep on testing embroidery and embellishment on them.
But the main thing is that I have decided to go for Project Toad! My husband has agreed to come one day to NärCon Sommar, and that he can be Toadbert.
Toadbert isn't the most common toad, but I feel that he fits my husband really well. I've given him the mission to find a pair of white trousers, a short-sleeved white shirt and a yellow tail, and brown boots. Cosplay is new to him, and I feel that it will be best to make him wear as "normal" clothes as possible. I will then sew the blue vest and make the toad hat.