Sunday 7 April 2019

Celebration costume plan

It is done! or at least in a wearable state. There are so many things I need to fix to get the costume into a finished state, but I will be able to wear it for the Cloud Riders meet-up on Friday and my photo with Erin Kellyman, the actress playing Enfys Nest.

People are posting their costume plans for the convention and here are mine.

Vintage Amidala, but I'm going to wear her with some pinstripe trousers and possibly a hat to make it more classic Chicago ganster style.

Enfys Nest

I'm actually gong to a baseball game on Saturday so regular nerdy and warm clothes.

Admiral Daala for the 501st Legion photo in the morning
Fandom Fashion Enfys

Gold Handmaiden - after all I want to wear at least one costume from the Phantom Menace when it's the 20th anniversary.

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