Sunday 26 May 2024

Leksand medieval fair

 This weekend it was time for the first medieval event, and the second largest for me outside of Medieval week. In fact me and Emma realized we actually have to pack more stuff for this event than Visby, simply because we have to bring all kitchen utensils and foodstuff ourselves.

The event started on Friday, but we went up to Leksand after work on Thursday to set up camp.

The tent went up and for the first time I also used my firestand. It was really nice that it was so high up that you didn't have to bend down to just stir in the pot.

After three years with the tent we have come close to a really nice living situation. The bed is 120x170, which is perfect for us short girls to share, and have some room at the end of the bed for storage.  One day I should probably share the story of the bed, but let's just say that it is of a common reenactor design and it's a good thing that Emma's fiancé is a woodworker that saved it after we had tried to make it ourselves. The tent is really a once person tent, but it works for two, and two persons warm the area pretty well just with body heat. I have never slept so well in a camp like I did this weekend.

We share our camp site with our friends in the 16th century guild, so this is our whole campl, with signs to tell who we are and what we are doing. 
A big part of being in a camp for me is of course cooking and me and Emma have our routine where she handles the fire and then I can cook.

It was really warm, but that meant that we didn't freeze in the night. -On Saturday it wa 25 degrees C, so it was nice going down to the river to cool down.

The water wasn't warm enough for a bath though, since it still contains a lot of meltwater from the mountains.

Saturday was the main cooking day, so I made fried cheese sticks for lunch/afternoon snacks.
Then we put up a whole piece of meat and had it roasting for hours.

Together with a cabbage sallad and spicy raspberry sauce it was a real feast, even if the heat had taken it's toll on us and we were quite tired and went to bed early.

I was worthy a tiny cocktail after all the cooking though.

For costume I wore my remade pink gown, it's too big though even after my alterations. And interesting thing is that I had taken it in to make it smaller, but it had also gotten too long, so there was definitely excess fabric, I will see if I have time to fix that before Visby, or if I let it stay like this and make the alterations a winter project. In the heat it was quite nice to have a dress that wasn't tight at all.

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