Friday 28 January 2022

Sten Stures ben - 16th century guild feast

 On the 22nd of January it was time for the annual Sten Stures ben celebration. It's where you commemorate the anniversary of the battle of Åsunden in 1520 where the regent Sten Sture got his leg shot off by a canon. Sten Stures ben is celebrated by snowballfights and eating chocolate balls, and our 16th century guild has taken it as a good reason to have a guild feast every January. For a long time we hoped to be able to keep it inside, but with new covid restrictions it was moved to our outside gathering location.

We got at least one photo of me and my fiancé inside in good light

I had made my own chocolate balls, but the main thing was the giant chocolate ball that one of our members had found in a store.
Since it was outside and we wanted to keep warm I had made Tyrolean knödel that we heated in a broth. They were delicious.
When it was time to get into the chocolate ball we actually had to use an axe, after having tried with a dagger and knife first.
Kål-Henrik was victorious against the chocolate ball.
Even if it was -6 we kept quite warm around the fire, and in the end we stayed outside for almost 6 hours. The fact that I used my stash to make our clothes means that we are actually quite matching in pink and red.

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