Sunday 25 October 2020

Cosplay Day in Avesta, 2020

 There was an actual cosplay event this year! Traditionally the small AvestaCon is held last weekend of October. With the current situation it would not be possible to have proper convention and follow the restrictions on attendance and distance. The municipality of Avesta was still eager to organize something, and instead of a convention they decidedto host theme days, one for cosplay and one for boardgames. It would be small, since only 50 guests would be allowed, butit would be something after everything had been cancelled. It was obvious that people are eager to go out in costume again, and we had a record attendance with the Nordic Legions when two person from Västerås and three from Stockholm wanted to join in as well. The whole day was really casual and fun. All the troopers were free to be out in costume as much as they wanted, Andrew spent the whole day building on his sandtrooper backpack in public and at 12 we had a small presentation where we talked about what the Nordic Legions is and how you can become a member. 

Darth Nihilus and Darth Vader had a raffling game of air hockey

The group photo with members from Nordic Reel Icons, Nordic Garrison and Nordic Base

Vader made sure everyone kept their distance and used the hand sanitizer

For the trooping I wore my Mon Mothma. It's easy and comfortable. The cheap fabric in the underdress has shrunk since I made it, so at midnight the night before I made a quickfix to lengthen it again by ripping up the waist seam and inserting a wide piece of fabric between the bodice and the skirt. It doesn't look good, but it's not shown so it doesn't matter. I also realised when I was there that the stitches holding the white overgown together at the sides had come undone, so intead of a gown it looked more lika poncho. I don't think anyone except me noticed though.

The reason why I've been stressing to finish the court gown though is that I had scheduled a time with the professional photographer that was there, to get some really nice photos of it. The huge slagbrick walls of Verket work fine as medieval stone walls. I haven't gotten those photos yet, but here are the photos that I took with my phone.

I am going to work on getting posts up about the finishing of both the gown and the hood in the coming days or weeks. I did take photos, but I didn't have time to make posts.

The skirt was a monster to make and hem, but I just love how it moves when I walk, and when I twirl.

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