Tuesday 31 December 2019

Costuming year in review - favorite look of the year

My favorite look of the year is definitely my Lady Poe 1762 ballgown.

Even if the wide silhouette of the 1760s had never been a favorite, I had always felt that my 18th century wardrobe wouldn't be complete without one big robe a la Francaise with loads of trims and ruffles. Even if I need to redo the trim, due to the fraying, and I want to make a new stomacher, the feeling of swoshing around in 8 meters of silk taffeta was wonderful. The factt hat I could drape it and handsew it in just around a month also shows how far I have come in my sewing skills since I started historical costuming.

On a totally different level my Obelix costume is my favorite cosplay look of the year, it's just so out of my regular costuming zone, but it's definitely one of the most fun costumes I've ever made.

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